Version Control


All our projects embrace the power of Git, and most find their home on Github. Let's go through some default practices we follow.

The Workflow

Hands off the main branch, especially if the project is live. During development, opt for a dev branch or feature branches. Merge features into the project via a Pull Request and then bid farewell to the branch.

Repo Naming

Repo names should always sport lowercase and employ kebab-case if containing multiple words. Peek at these examples:

  • Bad:,,, LuckyMedia
  • Good:, lucky-media


Initially, we juggle the main and dev branches during development. Once the project goes live, we shift gears to feature branch names.

Feature Branches

There are no strict naming rules for feature branches, just ensure the name reflects the feature you're working on. Use lowercase letters and hyphens.

  • Bad: feature/section, feature-develop, and a big no to feature
  • Good: feature-header, fix-responsive-issue, chore-dependency-updates


While working away on a feature or dev branch, you'll have to commit code. No hard and fast rules here, but make sure your commit descriptions are meaningful.

  • Bad: wip, commit, changes, small change
  • Good: fixed responsive issue on header, updated dependencies, updated contact section

Pull Requests

Once the feature is polished, create a pull request so another team member can review your work. Although we don't impose strict code review policies, it's wise to let a peer scrutinize your code. Keep these guidelines in mind:

  • Reflect your work in the Pull Request name.
  • Offer a concise description of the work you've done.
  • Feel free to ask a team member to review something specific.

Git Tips

Create a new git repo, commit, and push to Github.

git init
git add . && git commit -m "Initial commit"
## if your default is master, switch to main.
git branch -M main
git remote add origin
git push -u origin main

Create a new branch with changes.

git switch -c branch-name

Remove all commit history and start afresh

# clone the repo
git clone
# remove all history locally
rm -rf .git
# create a new local repo
git init
# add everything
git add .
git commit -m "First commit"
# erase history on GitHub (irreversible)
git remote add origin
git push -u --force origin main