
The Lucky Way

Our Lucky Media (opens in a new tab) guide outlines our unique approach to bringing groundbreaking projects to life, highlighting key steps and elements that ensure efficiency and consistency throughout the design process.

Our work process can be broken down into four magical stages:

  1. Getting to know the client
  2. Product, purpose, and research
  3. Brilliant designs
  4. Development and testing

Getting to Know The Client

Our approachable management and design team love to sit down with our clients for a one-on-one chat to get to the heart of their vision. We take detailed notes and whip up a mood board to ensure we're all on the same page. By making personal connections and digging into their expectations, we tackle any technical questions head-on and make them feel like part of the family.

Responsibility for mapping out their website's structure and workflow falls to our phenomenal design team. We gather information from every source we can – emails, documents, meetings – to create a big-picture summary. This helps us to scope out the project, plan our resources, and give a more accurate timeframe for completion.

Product, Purpose, and Research

With a solid understanding of their vision, our lovable UI/UX team dives into determining what the heart and soul of their product or website should be. By examining their requirements, target audience, and core objectives, we create an experience centered around users that consistently over-delivers.

Our extensive research into user pain points, preferences, and behaviors guides us in crafting a seamless and intuitive interface. Our team collaborates on innovative design concepts that balance aesthetics and functionality, resulting in a captivating and user-friendly product.

Our focus on value and purpose means we're committed to delivering a solution that not only meets client goals but resonates with their target audience, driving success and making a real impact.

Brilliant Designs

With the client approval on technical aspects and our work process, we ask them to provide any content relevant to their company, like logos, descriptions, images, color styles, and other essential materials.

Our whip-smart UI/UX team follows a foolproof approach consisting of:

  1. Wireframing
  2. Initial Design
  3. Feedback and Adaptation
  4. Isnification

Here's a sum up of the points above, if you don't want to read the detailed explanations further down the road:

Starting with wireframing, we establish a basic structure for the website, share it with the client, and tweak it based on their feedback. In the initial design phase, we build on the wireframe to create a visually stunning design. During the feedback and adaptation phase, we fine-tune and modify the design based on your input, and finally, we get the design ready for development in the Isnification phase (shoutout to Art and Isni!).

  1. Wireframing Wonder

Beginning with our Figma Web UI Starter (opens in a new tab) Project, we craft and refine the building blocks that make up the wireframe. Our attention to detail ensures every component, margin, padding, radius, and font is spot-on. With the wireframe complete, we share it with the client via Figma, eagerly awaiting their valuable feedback to make sure our design aligns perfectly with their expectations.

  1. Dazzling Design

In the Initial Design phase, we morph the wireframe into a polished, visually captivating design. We adjust colors, components, and typography while making sure to consider client preferences and the nature of the project. Continual collaboration and refinement of each section are essential elements of this phase, and they can leave comments and suggestions through the Figma Project as we go!

  1. Feedback and Adaptation

Now, we focus on incorporating the provided content into the design and making adjustments based on client approvals and feedback. This ensures the final design flows seamlessly with client requirements and preferences.

  1. Our Special Isnification

Isnification – our fun term for getting the design ready for development – takes center stage. Once we have client approval of the desktop version, we adapt the website for mobile screens and refine our components. We prepare pictures, SVG logos, fonts, and colors in various formats, so the design looks stunning on different devices.

The word "Isnification" hails from Art, our first designer (yes, his name is Art 🤷‍♂️ ), who was working with our developer named Isni. Even though our team has expanded, Isnification lives on, and both Art and Isni are still with us.

Development and Testing

When it's time for development, our design and development teams come together to discuss project details, choose the best technology stack, and ensure a smooth transition between design and development. Our designers remain on hand to support the developers throughout this process.

With the project nearing completion, we move to the staging phase, where we dive into our comprehensive checklist to ensure all tasks are wrapped up. Any issues we discover are added to the GitHub repository, and an internal review of the project takes place. Finally, our masterpiece is presented to the client for review – a beautiful, functional, expertly designed product that went through The Lucky Way.