
Debugging Tips

Stumbled upon an issue? Get ready to unravel the mystery with some savvy tips.

Want a quick rundown before diving into the details? Here's a summary of our debugging tips:

  • Seek solutions online for known errors
  • Utilize console.log to gain insights
  • Thoroughly examine the documentation related to your issue
  • Consult a senior dev team member as a last resort

Now, let's delve deeper into each tip:

  • Identifying an error message? Start by researching similar issues faced by others. Remember, your problem may be unique, so be strategic and use Google's search syntax to narrow down your quest for answers.
  • Missing an error message? Employ console.log (depending on the language) to visualize your variables or data, and reveal the state of them across various lines of code.
  • Not related to variables or data? Strategically comment out lines in your code to locate the issue, then revert to console logging for deeper insights.
  • Consult the documentation for the plugin, package, or language you're using, and compare your code to official examples.
  • Not satisfied with the documentation? Assemble the required information, such as your code, errors, and attempted fixes, and reach out to the developer or publisher.
  • Hit a roadblock? Reflect on the issue and the steps you've taken in your head; sometimes, the solution unravels through this mental exercise.
  • When all else fails, present your issue to a senior dev team member, complete with error details, unexpected results, attempted solutions, and relevant sources, if available.

Kudos to the inspiring Reddit post (opens in a new tab) that sparked this compilation of debugging tips.