
Lucky Media: Built on Equality, Teamwork, and Fun

At Lucky Media, we champion equality, where the only things setting us apart are our responsibilities and salaries. The more we hone our skills, the bigger our roles and income grow.

We've crafted a friendly environment where everyone matters, and every idea shines. We've got our general team rules, but flex them to accommodate special cases and unique needs. After all, we're a tight-knit team with a diverse range of personalities.

Our crew can be divided into part-timers and full-timers, and we'll dive into their differences shortly.

Teamwork: Our Winning Secret Ingredient

Teamwork is our most cherished asset. We count on our members to lend a hand, brainstorm together, and share knowledge. Helping out isn't just a nice thing to do — we treat it as actual work. This culture has boosted our team's professional growth and daily motivation.

Picture this: an experienced developer guiding an eager junior, who quickly learns the ropes and starts supporting their mentor too! That's the magic of our teamwork. It shows that everyone has something to offer, and we should always be humble.

Of course, we've noticed a limit to the wonders of helping each other. We cap assistance at 30 minutes per day to prevent teammates from becoming too dependent or lazy. We usually start by recommending solutions, and when things get tricky, we'll code together, keeping an eye on the clock, of course!

Staying in Touch

Discord is our go-to communication hub where we organize daily operations. We have channels for company notifications, project-specific discussions, and sharing laughs. Sometimes, we even include our clients to enhance collaboration and build lasting relationships.

And yes, we have our own custom bot — the life of the (Discord) party!

Productivity & Work-Life Balance

We believe in flexible working hours, so everyone's routine accommodates their needs. And "work" isn't just coding — research, planning, and testing also count toward our effective work hours.

We don't nitpick over small breaks, but time tracking helps our part-time and full-time employees manage their hours. Clever adjustments to fit personal schedules are welcomed.

A typical day looks like this:

  • Full-time: 6 hours coding, 1 hour reviews & teamwork
  • Part-time: 3.5 hours coding, 30 minutes reviews & teamwork

Our Laugh-Filled, High-Quality Culture

We take pride in delivering top-notch work, regardless of whether clients recognize the quality. Generous and flexible project deadlines allow us to thrive without stress or burnout. We encourage employees to breathe, ponder, plan, and work at their own pace while respecting their strengths and weaknesses.

Our team is all about jokes and fun, but we're also considerate of each other's feelings. If issues arise, we mediate to help resolve misunderstandings. So far, so good — smooth sailing here at Lucky Media!

Interested in joining our merry band of tech wizards? Check out our open positions (opens in a new tab) and apply today!